Summary: | MPA-PHAST (Methodology Participatory Assessment Participatory Hygiene
and Sanitation Transformation) is a methodology to help the community, the program
managers and decision makers to achieve service of sustainability and equity as well
as to identify and to solve the problems of hygiene and sanitation. MPA-PHAST used
byPAMSIMASas a tooltoacceleratepublic awarenessrelating to the healthy
behaviorandsanitation. The purposes of this study namely: 1) To describe the public
sanitation behavior before and after MPA-PHAST, 2) To identify the factors that
influence the public sanitation behavior.
This research used qualitative descriptive study which describes the facts about
the changes of sanitation behavior of Totoli�s community after application MPA-
PHAST. Determination of the sample used purposive sampling techniques, namely the
community, the government and facilitator. Data analysis was performed by induction
and categorization.
Result of the research showed that before and after MPA-PHAST not changed
significantly though the sanitation facilities increasing the water supply, latrines, waste
water and garbage. Targetted zero open defecation was not reached. Factors that
affected the acquired predisposing factor were: self-will community to provide the
facility,, attitude toward sanitation facility, knowledge, ability of the community and
understanding of sanitation facility model . Some of identified enabling factor were:
Government policy, Coordination and Strategy. And reinforcing factors
were:understanding program and the community involvement. These themes
werederivedfromthe lack of ofmotivation, participationandinstitutional. That were
accordingly, arrange asstrategyforsanitationbehavior.