Summary: | Ability to manage PUAP group can be seen from the effectiveness of the
group, because the effectiveness of farmer groups as a means of agricultural
extension has a strategic value in order to support the government's success in
implementing development programs in the community. The fact that there are
farmers' groups in Kota Kendari has not gone well, this can be seen by the
persistence of group members who do not perform refunds, this is one indicator
that the group has not been able to play so well that the group's goals can not be
realized. The detailed issues raised in this thesis are, first, is there any influence
of internal and external factors on the effectiveness of farmer groups are getting
PUAP program and second, whether there is influence the effectiveness of farmer
groups to refund accuracy by group members in the program PUAP.
The main objective of this study was to analyze the internal and external
factors that influence the effectiveness of farmer groups and farmer groups to
influence the effectiveness of the refund Rural Agribusiness Program (PUAP) in
KotaKendari. Internal factors were analyzed (group attitudes, motivation groups,
group norms and the role of chairman of the group) and external factors (the role
of extension agents and the role of village heads) of the effectiveness a group
farmer beneficiaries PUAP. Effectiveness of farmer groups viewed from four
indicators (member satisfaction, commitment of members, member benefits, and
utilization of funds). The method used the descriptive method of analysis, this
study is located in Kota Kendari with a sample of 100 members of farmer group
who farmer groups is the recipient Gapoktan PUAP in 2009, are drawn in simple
random sampling. To determine the relationship between internal and external
variables on the effectiveness of the farmers used multiple regression analysis.
Meanwhile, to determine the effect of the effectiveness of farmer groups to refund
PUAP program used simple regression analysis.
The results showed that the internal factors that influence the effectiveness
of a positive impact on farmers in recipient Kendari PUAP program is a factor
group attitudes, motivation and the role of chairman of a group of farmer groups.
While external factors that influence the positive factor is the role of agricultural
extension. The relationship between the effectiveness of farmer groups to refund
any degree of accuracy, the results of the analysis indicate that there is a positive
influence on the effectiveness of the refund rate, where the higher the
effectiveness of a group of farmer beneficiaries PUAP the delay in the refund rate
also decreased.