Summary: | Background:Postpartum hemorrhage is one of the biggest obstetric complication which gave enourmous morbidity and mortality. Objective:Comparing amount of postpartum bleeding on simplified third stage labour and active management. Methods:A randomized controlled trial, single blind. The subject was 212 women whose underwent a normal pregnancy, good vital sign, aterm gestational age (37-42 weeks), singleton baby, head presentation, non-anemic, and no coagulation defect. The subjects were gave births in Dr.Sarjito Hospital, Bantul distric hospital, and Banyumas district hospital. Subjects were grouped into intervention group (simplified third stage labour management), and control group (active management). Results:No significant different on the third stage bleeding (p=0.66), mean was 233.54+67.95 ml, and 228.69+89.61ml in intervention and control groups. Meanwhile on fourth stage bleeding it gave significant difference (p=0.005), mean was 101.64+31.08 ml and 115+38.39 ml, in the intervention and control groups. Secondary outcome of third stage duration was 10.41+5.61minutes and 10.74+3.26 minutes, in the intervention and control groups. Respectively give an insignificant difference (p=0.61). Occurrence of retained placenta, and umbilical cord break-down was noted. No uterine atony, hipotonia, retained of placental fragment, and uterine inversion were found. Conclusion:No significant difference in bleeding between simplified and active third stage of labour management.