Summary: | A starter culture can be defined as a microbial preparation of large
numbers of cells of at least one strain of microorganism to be added to a raw
material to produce a fermented food by accelerating and steering its
fermentation process. A dried starter named as ragi which usually containing
moulds, yeast and bacteria with starch as a carrier. The production of ragi were
consist of mixing, incubation and drying. The aims of the study were to know the
cell viability during starter preparation, to know the effect of carrier and drying
process on cell viability, to know the stability of starter during storage and to
know the profile and acid production in cassava fermentation using different
Lactobacillus plantarum subsp Argentorarensis NBRC 106468 was used
in this study. The research consist of three stages, the first stage is monitoring of
lactic acid bacteria�s growth, the second stage is cell production and ragi
production and the third stage is application on cassava fermentation. Variation
of carrier were used �Rose Brand� rice and tapioca flour. Fementation of cassava
using ratio cassava : water as much as (10:1), (10:2), (10:3), (10:4), (10:5). Cell
viability, moisture content, water activity, pH and total acidity were analyzed.
The result showed that cells should be harvested at 17 hour incubation
period. Ragi with tapioca as a carrier have higher viability than ragi with rice
flour as a carrier. Viability of ragi with tapioca as a carrier decreased when stored
of 7 weeks with the number of viable cells decreased from 2,5 x 109cfu/g to 1,5 x108cfu / g, while ragi with rice flour decreased when stored of 6 weeks with the
number of viable cells decreased from 1,4 x 108cfu/g to 1,6 x 107log cfu/g. The
best results in cassava fermentation was found by using ragi with tapioca as a
carrier with a ratio of (10: 5). Lactic acid bacteria reached 1,2 x 1015cfu / g, pH
4.10 and 0.75% total acid.