Summary: | Medicinal plants of East Kalimantan needs to be explored because of high
value. One of these medicinal plants are mekai that usually use by the Dayak
community for the treatment of various degenerative diseases such as
hypertension, stroke and cancer. The commonly used for cancer treatment is the
root of mekai, the scientific studies of the effect of mekai on the growth of cancer
cells has not been done. Therefore the objectives of this study was to determine
the cytotoxic effect of mekai root on breast cancer cells (T47D).
The roots of mekai plant were extracted gradually using chloroform and
methanol, and boiled with water. All extracts were tested on breast cancer cells
(T47D) by MTT Assay method. The most toxic extract was fractioned by Vaccum
Liquid Chromatography (VLC) and followed by Thin Layer Chromatography
(TLC). The similar TLC profiles were combined. The toxicity of the combined
fraction were tested on the T47D cells again by the MTT Assay. And the effect of
the proliferation of the most toxic fraction were done by doubling time assay and
the apoptosis test were done by double staining method. The most toxic fraction
was also analyzed using TLC followed by the application of various detection
reagents for identification of the active compound. Test cytotoxicity by MTT
assay method showed that the chloroform extract of the mekai roots had the
highest cytotoxic effect on T47D cells (IC-50 4.418 ug/ml), followed by methanol
extract (IC-50 37.892 ug/ml) and water decoction mekai roots (IC-50 113.207
ug/ml). Cytotoxicity test showed that the combined fraction of chloroform extract
fraction III had the highest cytotoxic effect against breast cancer cells (T47D), IC-
50 = 0,913 ug/ml. And these fraction also inhibit proliferation and induced
apoptosis of T47D cells. The active compound in those fraction was alkaloid. It
could be concluded that mekai root extract could inhibit proliferation and
increased apoptosis of breast cancer cell (T47D), the active compound in mekai
root was alkaloid.