Summary: | The supersonic combustion, shock wave and reaction wave propagates in
coupled condition. The hight pressure of shock wave that can reach 20 times of
initial pressure would be harmful to human safety of an detonation. The study of
detonation reinitiation is a real important view to design detonation arrester that
could be used to eliminate the detonation propagation. Expansion process as a
result of diffraction phenomenon can cause the sustained propagation of
detonation wave failure, so that shock wave and reaction wave will be decouple
and propagation velocity declines become subsonik (deflagration), where is this
condition easier to be controlled and not too dangerous.The way to converts
detonation wave to be deflagration wave through diffraction phenomenon is serve
to be basic method to design detonation arrester.This experiment used facing step
to generated the diffraction phenomenon. This experiment used horizontal
circular pipe which having 50 mm inside diameter and 6300 mm length. The fuel
is premixed mixture of hydrogen and oxygen stoichiometry condition with 20%
agron diluents and the initial pressure condition would be variated from 10 kPa
up to 100 kPa. After propagates through narrow gap, the detonation wave will be
diffracted and then would be investigated related to the detonation reinitiation.
The result show that characteristic of detonation wave propagation behind
narrow gap is classified to three propagations, (a) Detonation transmission, the
detonation wave propagation without the quenching process, (b) reinitiation of
detonation, deflagration to detonation transition (DDT) process and reinitiated by
interaction of shock wave with inside pipe wall in the downstream region (c)
Quenching detonation, the detonation wave is not reinitiated in the region of
observation.The effect of the facing step model variation was seen to be very
dominant in the ring of initial fuel mixture pressure under 60 kPa. The smaller
facing step model resulted in reinitiation distant farther.At initial pressure 10 kPa
with 25% facing step model the reinitiation detonation distance was 540 mm and
hight pressure only reach 6 times of initial pressure meanwhilefor 75% facing
step model it was 120 mm and peak pressure was 10 times of initial pressure. In
cotralary the fuel initial effect was more dominating then facing step model
variation in the pressure range more then 60 kPa.