Summary: | Background: Vulcanic eruption of Merapi in Yogyakarta on October 26,
2010 brought about life toll and infrastructural damage. Disaster mitigation
concerns with preparedness that can be realized only through a wellplanned
disaster management. The need for health care services
increased during the disaster emergency response, beginning with the
coming of medical aid from the domestic or foreign donor. Humanity donor
frequently causes the problem to the recipient. Therefore, dependable
human resources are nevessary to manage the donation. In this case,
university is traditionally accepted as the leading sector since it has human
resources and community based characteristic. Accordingly, university is
believed to give accurate information to the public.
Objective: To find out the profile of dination and management of health
donation logistic during emergency response periof after Merapi eruption
disaster at DERU Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University
Method: A qualitative research was conducted using explorative case
study design. Subjects of the study are stakeholders that played important
role in the management of health logistic donation during the emergency
response period after Merapi eruption disaster at DERU Faculty of
Medicine Gadjah Mada University. Data were collected through in-depth
interview and document study.
Results and Discussion: Donation or aids were received and distributyed
by DERU Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University. The donation
came in the forms of medicine, equipment, volunteer, and cash. Healh
logistic donation was managed by DERU Faculty of Medicine Gadjah
Mada Univerity by referring to Perka PNPB No. 13/2008.
Conclusion: Donation received during emergency response period came
in the form of logistics for curative and emergency treatment. Cash money
was managed in a proper and transparenty way to be used in the areas
that were easy to access and did not suffer from serious infrastructure