Summary: | Cases of tuberculosis in Yapen Islands reached 830 people, although
tuberculosis has become a national problem, but an attempt to overcome the Yapen
Islands have not done optimally. Given the problems of health as a basic human need
and see the development of tuberculosis as a threat to the population, especially
indigenous Papuans in Yapen Islands District, the research aimed to understand the
control of tuberculosis in South Yapen District and the constraints dialaminnya.
To answer the phenomenon of the failure of tuberculosis prevention and barriers
experienced by the approach used kualitaif. Data and information obtained from key
informants as many as 23 people. The data was collected through in-depth interviews
using an interview guide. Descriptive data analysis done for a portrait of the
implementation of tuberculosis and barriers experienced.
The analysis showed that the high incidence of tuberculosis in worsening the
handling system is still low, due to limited health care, infrastructure and health
facilities. Power is limited laboratory personnel to support the microscopic
examination. Not all workers in the health center can do the mikroskospis
tuberculosis. South Yapen District Health Center, as the UPK (Unit of Health
Services) leader, has been carrying out tuberculosis control programs in the district,
in the handling of cases of tuberculosis, Puskemas South Yapen District in
cooperation with the Regional Hospital (Hospital Serui) as the only government
hospital in Yapen Islands District.