Summary: | Willingness to have a child as a result of a good marriage is a nature of human
being but if it is not sufficient any effort to get the kid is by lifting directly private
adoption children which is lifted up the son of another person to serve as his own
daughter. Things to consider that the adoption the child is accompanied by a submission
by the biological parents to adoptive parents learned or witnessed by local officials
relatives of both biological parents and adoptive parents so that known by many parties.
Based on it formulated the problem what 's the policy is applied pertaining to the
removal of a child directly through Dept. of Social, Manpower and Transmigration The
Government of Yogyakarta. The method used in this research is a qualitative method.
To analyze the data analysis of the techniques that we use is sort of descriptive set
analysis that captures the process of children through the appointment of Dept. of
Social, Manpower and Transmigration The Government of Yogyakarta.
Dept. of Social Service, Manpower and Transmigration The Government of
Yogyakarta a whole did not adopt laws and regulations relating to the appointment of a
child but be adjusted with conditions such as the lack of a health and mental health
letter from prospective parents. Whereas the health conditions and adoptive parents
participated in sexual relations determine the condition of the adopted child in the care
and guidance. In the process of adoption of the child, Dept. of Social Service,
Manpower and Transmigration The Government of Yogyakarta do good research
conditions of administration and other requirements such as the condition of the
economy, the condition of the home, the environmental conditions of the prospective
adoptive parents in the form of a visit to the home/prospective adoptive parents '
Letter from earnings a prospective parents, police record letter, letter physical or
mental also a cession forbirth parents to the child of the adoptive parents must be an
absolute requirement for the appointment of a child other than the birth certificate of the
child. Need to be held on the regulation of the appointment of the socialization of
children to the public, an orphanage, organization or foundation who dabbles in the
world of the child, hospitals, the midwives give birth and other related institutions.