Summary: | One of the problems faced in the economic development in Indonesia is
the inequality in income distribution among regions. This thesis intended to
analyze the issue of economic development disparities among sub-districts in the
district of Ende, using two macroeconomic indicators: the level of economic
growth and income (GDP) per capita at constant prices of 2000, during the period
2007 to 2010.
Administratively, since 2006, the District of Ende consists of 20 subdistricts.
In terms of GDP, it appears that most of the district regional income only
enjoyed by a small number of it�s sub-districts. In 2007, for example, there were
only four sub-districts that have per capita incomes above the average of the
district�s. Sixteen of the remaining sub-districts have per capita income less than
the average of the district�s, where two of them have only less than half of the
Question will be answered in this study is: why there is disparity of
economic development among subdistricts in District of Ende? The purpose of
this study are: first, to describe the imbalance of economic development among
sub-districts in Ende and, second, to determine the factors that cause imbalances
in economic development among subdistricts in District of Ende.
Method used in this study is qualitative descriptive. The tools of
analysis are Williamson Index, Klassen Typology and Location Quotient. The
data used in this research is both the primary and the secondary data, obtained
from The BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik/The Central Bureau of Statistics), Bappeda
(Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah/The Local Development Planning
Agency), DPPKAD (Dinas Pendapatan, Pengelola Keuangan dan Aset
Daerah/The Local Department for Finance, Asset and Revenue Management), and
some local legislators, particularly the members of the development commission,
using an interview guide.
From the analysis and discussion, it is found that the economic
development inequality among sub-districts in the district of Ende tends to
increase during the observation period from 2007 to 2010. Based on their GDPs,
the sub-districts in district of Ende can be classified into three typologies: the
high growth and high income regions (3 sub-districts), the high income but low
growth regions (1 sub-district) and the low growth and low income regions(16
sub-districts). The basis sector of the 16 underdeveloped sub-districts (the low
growth and low income) are agriculture (the primary sector), while the basis
sectors of all developed sub-districts are the secondary and tertiary sectors.
The results of this study hopefully will provide useful information for
the local government of Ende to design a better regional or sectoral economic
development policy and is expected to contribute to further research on issues of
economic development in District of Ende