Summary: | At the beginning of 1950, Indonesia began developing new national identity based
on cultures. Cultures rooted origin from Indonesia were brought out to the society and
introduced as media in new identity development. This new identity was expected to be
the centre of the attention about indonesia for other countries. But above all else, the
goodness in the cultures were expected to blend in with the Indonesian society and could
be implemented in their daily lives.
The main topic discussed in this research is 'The problems in forming national
identity through sports and cultures'. The main questions in this topic are: Why 'pencak
silat' was chosen to build and form the national identity and how is the forming process?
How could 'pencak silat' as traditional art be integrated into national sport?
Sources for this research as in the form of files were taken from 'Arsip Nasional'
and Padepokan Pencak Silat, Taman Mini, Jakarta. More over there were Government
Regulations, National Papers, printed articles and books related to the theme of the
ultures politicalization medium.
In this research, founded some important facts. First important fact, unique
characterized tradition could be used as one country's.
Second important fact, tradition could be brought into national stage with slight
modifications. Third important fact, Sport event is the new chapter of competitions
among countries.
This research conclued, Indonesia needs national identity that it supported by
local values. Pencak silat is one element culture and sport that completes criteria to build
the national identity. The process such as with integration �pencak silat� within branch of
national sport and competited on international competition.