Summary: | Women who experienced premarital pregnancy is at increased risk for
distress, post-partum depressive, and other psychological problems. Prenatal
distress has an enormous impact on mother�s and infant�s health. Family
support, especially mother support, plays an important role for helping young
mothers to cope with pregnancy distress. This study aims to examine the effect
of �Ibu Terkasih� (reliable, sensitive, responsive, and warm-hearted mother)
training for increasing mother support and decreasing prenatal distress. �Ibu
Terkasih� is a support skill training for mother who have daughter with
premarital pregnancy. This intervention is arranged based on four components
of mother support such as informational, instrumental, emotional, and esteem
The subject of this study is three mothers who have a daughter with
premarital pregnancy. Measurements with the scale of support for mothers
performed 4 times on the pretest, training, posttest, and follow-up. Measurement
of distress levels and perceived mother�s support performed 2 times on the
pretest and posttest. The results of data analysis with the Wilcoxon matched
pairs signed rank test showed there is an increase in the aspect of the esteem
support (z = 1633, p = 0.05), perceived mother�s esteem support (z = 1414, p =
0079), and a decrease in distress especially in behavior aspect (z = -1604 p =
0055). "Ibu Terkasih" training can increase the esteem support and perceived
esteem support but can not increase the overall social support. Training
"Beloved Mother" can reduce distress with the biggest drop in behavioral
aspects of distress.