Summary: | Rural telecommunications and information infrastructure (Internet
Village) programme that is packaged in a universal service obligation (USO) is
an attempt to bridge the technology gap (digital) in Indonesia. The opening of
access to telecommunications in rural villages the opportunity to develop its
potential. Flow of information to and from rural areas are smooth, are
expected to contribute significantly to economic growth and tourism industry,
fisheries, agriculture, and small-medium scale industries, as well as other
socio-economic potential of rural areas owned.
The success of USO programme is not only determined by the
availability of infrastructure, facilities the establishment of telecommunications,
by whether the existing facilities used by the community (target) local or not.
Programs in this telematics sector, has no meaning if the facilities available
are not being utilized. Therefore, the need to develop an implementation
strategy for telecommunications and information infrastructure in rural areas
can be utilized optimally.
This study based on the theories of the policy is intended to find out
how the implementation of programs of universal service obligation (USO) in
implementing in the Village Sidorejo, District Lendah, Kulonprogo District,
conducted with a qualitative approach and supported by quantitative data. The
results are expected to provide input for the implementation of the USO
program improvement efforts that are currently running.
Effectiveness of rural Internet program at the implementation stage
influenced how policy actors to package or plan activities, organize resources
and develop cooperation in order to anticipate the obstacles that may arise in
the field. In addition stakeholders also required the ability to read the
environmental conditions of the target groups so that communication and
coordination are built able to capitalize on the potential for achieving the target
The implementation of the USO program in the village Sidorejo not
preceded by a good communication and coordination activities by
implementing national and local stakeholders. No compliance requirements
and implementation stages of a good cause does not reach the rural Internet
program goals or objectives. The lack of community involvement in the
implementation process led to telecommunication facilities (internet) that there
has not been utilized properly.
In future the USO programme implementation process needs to be
reassessed, in order to effectively achieve program goals/objectives.
Implementation orientation should be directed to the use of community
facilities and capabilities, rather than merely providing facilities. Involvement of
all Stakeholders need to be pursued, communication and coordination
between stakeholders into the activities that must be observed and performed.
Similarly, socialization and training is absolutely given to target groups that
they have sufficient knowledge skills to adopt the technology.