Summary: | This research aims to (1) measure the influence of fishing intensity, fishing experience, education level, and type of boat used to fish production in Tuapejat Village, Sipora Utara District, Mentawai Islands Regency (2) calculate the net income of fishermen per month in Tuapejat Village, Sipora Utara District, Mentawai Islands Regency (3) measure the influence of fish production to net income of fishermen in Tuapejat Village, Sipora Utara District, Mentawai Islands Regency. The analysis tools are simple and multiple linear regression with Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method and analysis of revenue and net income fishermen analysis.
From the results of multiple regression analysis, it is known that the intensity of fishing, fishing experience, and type of fishing boat used in the partial positive and significant influence on fish production. Simultaneously the intensity of fishing, fishing experience, education level, and type of boat used significantly influence fish production. Based on calculations, it is known that the average net income per fishermen per month in Tuapejat Village, Sipora Utara District, Mentawai Islands Regency Rp2,195,523 and the production has positive and significant impact on net income of fishermen.