Summary: | One of the failure indicator of a bridge is a large deflection. As the truss
bridge was owned by Regional Water Company (PDAM) Bogor Regency with
span 54 m has deflection 42,5 cm. It was occurred when the buffer removed
before the bridge load test, where the deflection has exceed the maximum
requirement, according to SNI 03 1729 2002 is L/360 or 15 cm. The aims of this
research to evaluate the structure performance and determine strengthening
method, so that the bridge can be used again.
The evaluation of bridge structure include collection secondary data in the
form of a preliminary bridges design, steel material test results and primary data
consisted of visual inspection in the field, dimensions measurement of the bridge
and quality test of steel material. The data were used as input in structure
modeling using SAP 2000 in order to calculate a required strength (Ru) of each
structural members. Calculations were done to obtain the design strength (�Rn) of
structural members and connections. The bridge components are categorized as
safe condition if its design strength is greater or equal than required strength or
�Rn � Ru, if not, the bridge is categorized as failure and then the repair method
and strengthening would be performed.
The result showed that all of structural members and connections are safe.
Bridge failure is caused by factors of less precise execution in the field,
combination of a large bolt holes and tightening bolts that have not reached the
minimum tensile strength. The proposed bridge repair method is provide two
pieces plates. The plates are welded on the end of the rod and perforated in
accordance with the position of the existing bolt holes in order to avoid shifting
the bolt.