Summary: | Drinking Water Suply System in Paser Regency especially in Tanah Grogot city implemented by PDAM Tirta Kandilo. Usage of 2 times pumping is inefficient at network produce and distribution so causing level of operating is more expensives and one of reason PDAM in condition of losing. Production pump is operated with a high head and discharge. At distribution network, tank and gravitation pipe is not optimal to drain the water with enaough pressure on the entire service area. To help increase of pressure on service area pump should be operated. This research is case study at network system of PDAM Tirta Kandilo in Tanah Grogot city. Analysis of existing network system will be done through simulation and makes optimize scenario and does economic analysis to invesment released.
Simulation will be done by using program WaterNet 2.2 in the existing pipeline network. Data of produce and distribution will be calibrated so that result of simulation can depict condition of reality field and problems happened. To solve the problem and gets optimal condition, the optimization scenario will be done by changing pipe with different type and lengths. In addition the operation of pumps and distribution pipelines will be arranged. Economic analysis will be done on the selected optimization scenario by the method of Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) and Net Present Value (NPV).
Result of simulation on existing pipe network shows happened losing of water at water transmission pipeline is 75,7 l/dt. Relative energy head is 4,34 mH2O happened at node 29 when peak hour. Total costs of pumps operation is very big that is Rp. 1.406.173.925,34/year. At eighth scenario pipe network optimization is done by replacing the raw water transmission pipeline 0,4 m along the 11.000 m. At distribution network of number pipe 34 changed to become 0,1 m, distribution pump capacities reduced to head 30 m and discharge 50 l/dt. PCV valve is installed between node 12 and 13 to restrict the flow of water. Result of simulation shows a loss of water in the raw water transmission pipeline decreased 71,9l/dt. Production pumps operated on head 59,85 m and discharge 122,24 l/dt and efficiency equal to 44,75%. Distribution pump operated on head 19,1 m and discharge 72,43 l/dt and efficiency 52,57%. Operating costs of production and distribution pump can be saved Rp. 602.426.970,43/year. With increase of the price of 35% and 12% of interest, the economic analysis of the eight scenario it is good to executed with BCR value is 1,08 and NPV value is Rp. 6.621.733.033,06 (positive)