Summary: | This research aims to design and implements the electronic ballast for fluorescent
lamp with power factor > 0,9, THDi less then 10% and more efficien than
elektromagnetic ballast.
This thesis focuses on controlling the intensity of fluorescent lamp T8 using
frequency modulation switching which is utilizing an integrated circuit (IC) L6574. An
active power factor correction (PFC) based on IC L6562 is adopted to reduce the
generated total harmonic distortion (THDi) signal below 10% with power factor bigger
than 0.9. The dimmer is controlled digitally using microcontroller which acts as a
command translator which converts the digital ASCII code into its corresponding analog
output of 0 to 10 Volts using PWM method. Data communication between dimmer
system and PC is performed by a wire-based serial communication RS485 system.
The experimental results shows that electronic dimmer can adequately adjust the
light intensity from 10 to 100%, for light intensity 100% generated THDi 10,8% with
power factor more than 0.9. The electronic dimmer, which has an efficacy of 5.67 lm/W,
is bigger than that of the electromagnetic ballast, which has an efficacy of 3.9 lm/Watt.
From these results, it can be concluded that the electronic dimmer performs better than
the electromagnetic ballast. Also, the light intensity using the electronic dimmer can be
controlled using computer or digital equipment system.