Summary: | A significant increase in the number of tourists without constituted by
good planning will have a negative impact on tourism. This is what is happening
in Borobudur tourism. Borobudur temple in a few years ago included one of the
wonders of the world, is no longer included in the list. This is because the
UNESCO as the parties to a list, very much regretted the damage done by the
people of Indonesia themselves in the largest Buddhist sites in Indonesia (even the
world). Inconsistent regulations, board information that is not well ordered,
uncontrolled growth of street vendors, a chaotic arrangement of parking,
circulation is not clear and visitors an excessive gives burden on the Borobudur
Temple. Inconsistent rules cause uncontrolled growth of street vendors in the area
Borobudur temple. Street vendors, amounting to 3003 merchants include hawkers,
stalls and services thrive in an area not recommended. This matter result economic
function growing in the preservation zone, that does not directly increase the
pressure on the Borobudur Temple.
In the National Strategy Area Plan Borobudur in 2007. Pramudya
Wardani Corridor is trade development zone in which all activities and
commercial activities located in this area. As a buffer zone area Borobudur
Temple, this area will reduce the negative impact of activities for the conservation
of the Borobudur Temple. But along with the development of this corridor is less
developed in terms of physical as well as activities. Therefore we need a study to
get an idea how far influence of physical setting to activity setting, influencing
factors the make-up of the quality of physical, and Urban Design Guidelines
enclosure forming that can meet the allotment area of the building.
This research uses qualitative rationalistic method is a method of research
that focuses the rationalism of the individual perception of the effort to see,
understand and be aware of how the physical setting influence the activity setting
of improving the quality of Pramudya Wardani enclosure. This research begins
with observation of the condition of existing enclosure armed with Livable Street
Theory (Jacob, 1963) and setting activities (Gehl, 2001). Standards and criteria
used to look at the factors that can be used to improve the quality of Pramudya
Wardani enclosure.
The results showed that high-intensity activity that occurs on the Corridor
Pramudya Wardani influenced by the physical setting with variable building,
setback, street furniture, vegetation, and pedestrian paths.