Summary: | This minithesis entitled �The Urgency of Constitutional Complaint Authority
as Effort to Protect Constitutional Rights of Indonesian Citizen by Constitutional
The purpose of this research was to know and gain data concerning on the
problem studied by authors, i.e.: 1) What is the urgency of Constitutional Complaint
authority owned by Constitutional Court?, 2) How is the synchronization of
Constitutional Complaint by Indonesia legal state?, 3) Whether Constitutional
Complaint is needed by Indonesian Citizen of which can not be disturbed by the
action of state�s authority?
The way of finding out necessary data was by conducting interview directly to
Research Centre of Constitutional Constitution as the representative of Head of
Constitutional Court Mr. Moh. Mahfud, MD. The conclusion of the author is, based
on the authority given to Constitutional Court based on the Article 24 C of
Constitution of 1945, thus Constitutional Court has no rights to examine and decide
on Constitutional Complaint. In the case government gives no such kind of authority
to Constitutional Court thus the violation of constitutional rights of citizen will keep
on going