Summary: | Forest and land management, basically, is the human activity control and the
natural resources including land, vegetation, water, in a particular circumstance in
the process of gathering benefits optimally and to keep the environment�s continuity.
To guarantee the availability of forest and land resources as a main factor of
ecosystem balance, the management of forest and land should be based on
conservation principles, those are protection, preservation, and and the use
continuitively and to make harmonious among economy, ecology, and environment
aspects. In this correlationship, a research in Sarolangun Regency of Jambi Province
was conducted to study the conservation and management of forest and land, identify
bio-phisic characteristics including forest and land area, forest and terrain resources,
policies, and also people participation aspects.
The methods which is applied is survey research method, the primary data
were obtained directly from the field and interpretation of landsat image map TM
2010 which employs Geographic Information System (GIS), people�s economical
and social data around the forest was obtained through PRA and RRA survey. The
secondary data was obtained from various sources in the form of policies regarding
forest and land management in Sarolangun Regency. All aspects of the study are
processed comprehensively based on the principles to know the condition which is in
effect and it is analysed the posibility of the development to obtain the result in case
of ecological, economical, acceptable and able to increse the prosperity of people
This research shows that Sarolangun regency has variously complete
ecosystem starting from forest in highland (926 Km2 (15%)) up to swampy low
land (5.248 Km2 (85%)), with forest area 252.377,81 ha or 36% from total area of
watershed of Sarolangun 697.278,1 ha. The outcome of interpretation and delination
from Citra Landsat map TM 2010, it is found the coverage forest area with the
primary vegetation around 164.738,9 ha or 23,6% from watershed in Sarolangun.
The management of forest and land in Sarolangun regency is not principly
appropriate with the regulation, that is to create an area functions to protect in line
with watershed area with minimum 30% of forest area to create forest function as an