Summary: | Hornbill (Aceros plicatus) is one of bird spesies that depend on vegetation. In this case fruits are the main food. In Moluccas island, this bird can be found at Manusela National Park. Vegetation diversity will certainly attract the hornbills (Aceros plicatus) to live in a certain habitat.
The research was aimed to know (1) vegetation composition type in the habitat of Hornbills, (2) the types of feed trees for the hornbills, (3) diameter structure of feed trees, (4) estimating populations of hornbills (5) determine the relationship between vegetation and population of Hornbills (Aceros plicatus) in Manusela National Park. This research was carried out in buffer zone at the south of Manusela National Park. Hornbill observations were done by using line transect method. To know the type and condition of vegetation as a producer of food and feed rate of regeneration of trees, vegetation inventory was conducted using nested sample method. Result showed that 46 plant species from 29 families was found at the study location. Among them, 19 plant species was found as food tree for Hornbills. The estimated population was 46 individual, with the lower class limit was 32 individual and upper class limit was 59 individual on confidence interval (CI) of 90%. Population density of Hornbills was 1.13 individual/ha. The presence of hornbills is connected with vegetation as the source of feed. Regression analisis result show indicate relationship between Hornbill population with higt trees hornbills feed (X1), the amount of feed tree species (X2), basal area measurement of tree level (X3), density of poles level (X4), density of tree feed level (X5) and density of all tree (X6). It proved by the value of determination (R2 ) 89,0 %.