Summary: | The purpose of the study is to explain the debt behavior
through a model that can describe when and how and
situations that may stimulate debt behavior to appear. The
theory of planned behavior is used to review the debt behavior
of people with fixed-income. Based on the theory by Ajzen
there were three independent variables namely attitudes
towards debt behavior, subjective norms, and perceived
behavioral control. Those three factors predicted their effects
towards debt behavior as the dependent variable with intention
as the mediator variable.
Path analysis is used to test both hypotheses. The first
hypothesis examined the direct and indirect effect toward debt
behavior, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and
behavioral intentions toward debt. The second hypothesis
examined the effect of direct and indirect debt behavior,
subjective norms and perceived behavioral intentions of debt.
From the results of path analysis 182 subjects were influenced
by the debt behavior of debt intentions, b=0,359, p=0,004
(p<0,05). Only subjective norm had a direct influence on the
intentions of debt.