Summary: | The purpose of this study is to identify strategies to promote the growth of
Blackberry Axis subscription package users. This strategy will help Axis to
compete in GSM telecommunications industry and also to implement their vision as
a mobile broadband provider across Indonesia.
There are three analysis steps, 1) The initial position of Axis was assessed
against four competitors through product features, price rates, customer profiles,
distribution channels, after sales service, promotion, development of
telecommunications technology and ownership structure comparison. 2) Axis's
business development was analysed from the industry growth, regulatory and
external environment aspect. 3) The current Axis's business strategy Axis was
analysed from Lovelock services products category, Ansoff growth strategy matrix
and Hambrick and Fredrickson five major elements of strategy (arenas, vehicles,
diferentiators, staging and economic logic).
Research analysis showed that there is slackness in the growth of Blackberry
Axis subscription package users. This is caused by a poor differentiators and
staging strategies. Axis should improve their five major elements of strategy,
focusing in those two elements strategies. By successfully do so, Axis can increase
their capability and telecommunication quality, and in the end could attract their
competitor's consumers and new market. This implementation will fasten Axis
consumer growth and Blackberry Axis market growth.