Summary: | Strong competition among telecommunication operators make the need to
create innovation to be able to survive and be advanced from the other
competitors. To be an advance company, the company must understand what their
consumer need. So that their consumer will never have an option to choose other
competitor�s services and products, because the services and products that the
company�s overed already fulfilled their needs. Quality Function Deployment or
known as QFD is a method we use to listen the voice of customer and at the end,
is being able to apply the consumer�s voice into engineering parameter in
designing products and services.
QFD method is tried to be implemented in Telkomsel at Cirebon to know
customer satisfaction about the Telkomsel network and compare it with XL. This
research is using Quality Function Deployment method until second stage by
examining the satisfaction product attribute, the consumer interest, and
engineering parameter and requirements process.
This research found that 8 consumer interests attribute, 14 engineering
parameter (QFD first stage) and 20 requirements process (QFD second stage).
There are three requirement processes that need to be concerned by Telkomsel for
further development priority. Those three processes are increasing the channel
capacity, reducing transmission frequency interference and optimizing the sectoral antenna�s tilt. The order of this priorities should become a guideline for
Telkomsel in improving the network service to match consumer expectation.