Summary: | The objective of this research is to investigate how the implementation of
good corporate governance (GCG) in PT BFI Finance Indonesia, Tbk. As a go
public company and the winner of several award in GCG implementation, this
company must be have some consideration on implementing GCG.
This research is using a rating model which developed by CGCG UGM,
with a set of questioners to quantify the performance of implementing GCG in a
company. In that rating model deeply explored about five basic principles of
GCG, which mean transparency, accountability and responsibility,
responsiveness, independency, and fairness (TARIF), which include in five main
participant of GCG, such a board of commissioner, board of directors, board of
executives, auditors, dan stakeholders.
In this research, implementation of GCG in BFI Finance is disclosed
detail, start from the trigger of doing GCG, organization chart that align with
GCG model, and the role of each GCG participant in company.
The result of this research through CGCG UGM rating model show that
BFI Finance have �GOOD� category. Anyway, there are some things that BFI
Finance done yet and this things will be researchers suggestion for the company.