Summary: | With the large number of telecommunication provider in Indonesia, as
well as the increasing number of service provided (not just traditional basic voice
and SMS services), requires company to work effectively and efficiently. In
accordance with PT. Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel) vision, Best Leading
Mobile Lifestyle and Solutions Provider in the Region, Telkomsel has to transform
into a good performance organization. This can be achieved if the organization
has a clear business process. Telecommunication industry previously known
eTOM (enhanced Telecom Operation Map), whereas in Information Technology
(IT) industry known IT Infrastructure Library framework, which has been
successfully implemented in various companies around the world which leads to
customer satisfaction.
In this Thesis will be discussed regarding the business process for
handling the network interruption by adopting IT Infrastructure Library v3
framework. The study was conducted using secondary data from internal and
external companies, as well as using primary data such as observation, In-Depth
Interview and Focus Group Discussion method. Respondent who selected as a
source is a person who considered experts in their fields, understand the existing
conditions, as well as having high integrity for company vision and mission.
The result of business process reengineering for handling network
interruption using IT Infrastructure Library v3 framework can create the business
process which has a cycle and sustainability process. Each element on the
organization will have a clear guide step-by-step for handling the network
interruption. Starting from the diagnosis of the incident, detection,
troubleshooting, until make some recommendation to make sure the incident does
not happen again in the future, will create a business process cycle in order to
make better network performance. It also can generate business value for
Telkomsel in terms of financial, customer, internal business process, and learning
& growth perspective point of view.