Summary: | This study was conducted by the background revealed that in SMP Negeri
1 Yogyakarta as the oldest most favoured yunior high school in Yogyakarta,
having an accreditation level of A, average score of 99,65, average intake point of
students of 7C of 8,38 and class average point of 74,14 of them derived from class
of 7C that have 34 students, there were 13 students or 39% that could not
completed in learning English subjects in the mid-semester test. Based on the
theoretical assessment and the empirical experience to improve the learning
process and students capability, it could be conducted by clinical supervision
expected to increase the quality level of learning process and cognitive capability
of students. Therefore, this study was conducted to improve the learning processes
of English subjects in Class of 7C in SMP Negeri 1 Yogyakarta.
In order to prove it, it was conducted an actional research using the subject
of English teacher of Class 7C. Data was collected by performing test, conducting
interview, observation, and documentation. Interview was conducted through the
students, teacher, and the headmaster. Observation was performed by looking and
monitoring the learning administration, the conducted learning process by teacher
of Class 7C, and documentation was performed by gathering data of learning
process. Data analysis was conducted by make a comparison between the results
of before and after taking action.
The performed actional evaluation in two cycles indicated an increase in
learning process. Through clinical supervision, it was increased the knowledge
and pedagogic competence of teacher by 47%, both in selecting strategies and
learning method to conduct learning process. The increase in the quality level of
learning process affective positively to the learning motivation and learning
capability of the students. It achieved the level of 100% with the lowest score of
73,00 and the highest of 100,00, higher than the fixed score 70,00. Finally,nit
could be concluded that by clinical supervisison, it could help the teacher to
improve and increase the quality level of learning process of English subject in
Class of 7C SMP Negeri 1 Yogyakarta.