Summary: | The topic of violence against Indonesian Women Migrant�s Worker (Tenaga Kerja
Indonesia/ TKI) who worked as households-helper has been unsolving issue commonly.
The purpose of this study is to find the meaning in the movie as a tool for constructing
the discource of �Pahlawan Devisa� and the goverment�s responsibility as well. This
study based on the movie of Sunday Morning in Victoria Park (Minggu Pagi di Victoria
Park) which is directed by Lola Amaria and released in June 2010. This study uses
qualitative critical discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough. The analysis cover text,
practical discursive and socio-culture. Continously, this study involve some audience�s
responses from any mass-media randomly.
The results of this study illustrates that the movie of Sunday Morning in Victoria Park
just narrates positive stories about the Indonesian Women Migrant�s Worker. It movie
do not tell about the real condition of the Indonesian Women Migrant�s Worker such as
violence or persecution and death-law. Unfortunately, the director just want to be
neutral without creating judgements to goverment or the women�s labour clearly.
Strongly, this movie emphasizes about the heroism of the Indonesian Women Migrant�s
Worker that is still being controversy issue until now. The most dominant factor
influencing to be migrant workers is financial, especially for raising their economics
Movie is not independent thing. There is ideology as the background of it. Moreover,
movie also can be medium for making people as comodities. Sunday Morning in
Victoria Park tries to get attention of the audiences by using migrant workers� story in
Hongkong. As their expectations, this movie could get positive acceptance by public
while there�re so many horor movie which telling about women sexuality commercially.
The similarity of this movie with others is women as the object of the story. The main
different of this movie with others lies on the focus of women as a hero and does not
explore their sexualty.
The conclusion of this study is goverment, mass-media, and family as the three elements
that influence in creating and keeping the discourse of heroism as women migrant�s
worker. There is the role of mass-media to hide the domination and hegemony of the
goverment and the family towards women migrant�s worker. The power relation has a
role in producing a space to be women migrant�s worker which is done by the
goverment. It can be seen by the institutions and the policies that are for preserving the
heroism�s discourse and also a term of comodification from it discourse. In another
side, mass-media has a big power to spread discourses until it can be accepted by
public as well.