Summary: | The 194.17 ha of Cokrobedog irrigation area is a cross-regency irrigation area
that lays between the Regency of Sleman and Bantul, where the tertiary irrigation area
has been handed over to the water user farmer associations (P3A). They are P3A
Rukun Makmur, P3A Rukun Sejahtera and GP3A Makmur Sejahtera as P3A Rukun
Makmur and P3A Rukun Sejahtera alliance.
Initially, the handing over of the irrigation management to P3As was not well
responded due to the heavy tasks and responsibility endosed. Having various
limitations, such as the irrigation knowledge, governmental budget, competency of the
irrigation observation officer, as well as paddy-field functional changing, the
performance of operational and maintenance of the irrigation network maintained by
P3A/GP3A requires evaluation. The P3A institution performance was analyzed by
using the SWOT method and P3A/GP3A institution was analyzed by using the AHP
The performance of operational and maintenance of the Cokrobedog irrigation
network was in best management by GP3A Makmur Sejahtera, and followed by P3A
Rukun Sejahtera and P3A Rukun Makmur. The P3A institutional performance in
conducting the operational and maintenance activity was quite active. Irrigation
network renovation was carried out spontaneously in mutual-cooperaton enthusiasm.
This was effective in preventing the irrigation network function from declining. The
empowerment of P3A/GP3A was focused in the enhancement of the irrigation
operational and maintenance, human resources quality and irrigation network
reliability to ensure punctuality in time, amount and quality.