Summary: | The purpose of energy safe lamps (ESL) on a building is to provide
artificial lighting during the day and night. Aside from that it is important to
maintain energy efficiency due to economic and environmental aspect during the
application of the ESL.
The research discusses the improvement of the efficiency of electric energy
consumption which was obtained from the substitution of V shaped luminary with
The research was initiated by measuring the existing condition,
measuring the lighting level in a laboratory, testing the performance of one
sample of V shaped luminary, and the testing of ESL performance (using 5
different brands). Then, a design of a lighting system using the most efficient ESL
was applied in the given laboratory.
The research showed that power consumption reduced from 3136 W to
668 W when the ESL was used. Therefore, there was a saving of 2468 W or 79%.
In the case of the consumption of electrical energy, there was a reduction from
4,892.28 KWh to 1,043 KWh when the ESL was used. Therefore, there was a
saving of 3849 KWh or 79%. There was also a reduction of CO2 emission of 2.77