Samenvatting: | Food selection research of proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus Wurmb) conducted in the
River Kuaro Teluk Adang Nature Reserve using Ivlev Index. Data retrieval is done by direct
observation and fecal analysis. Faecal analysis using the method of nitric acid digestion and
analysis of the epidermis abundance using the method of quantification epidermis.
Abundance of vegetation in the field is calculated by the method of systematic sampling with
a reference point location of feces. Food selection calculated by Ivlev Index. The result is 12
food plant species of proboscis monkeys recorded are divided into 8 families. Banitan types
(Mezzetia umbelata) and Mangga (Mangifera litoralis) is a new type of feed bekantan
recorded. Fecal analysis methods produce different feed compositions by the method of direct
observation because of a very dense forest. After the analysis of feces and quantified by Ivlev
Index, there are two groups of proboscis monkeys food plants, the likes and dislikes. The
types are preferred by proboscis monkeys are Api-api Putih (Avicennia lanata), Pedada
(Soneratia alba), Jambu1( Syzygium sp1), Jambu2 (Syzygium sp2),Banitan (Mezzetia
umbelata) dan Black Mangrove (Rhizopora mucronata). Type of feed is preferred for
nutritional content and less toxic enough, especially tannins. But there are also food plants
that contain tannins. This shows that the proboscis monkey can tolerate and neutralize it with
ruminant-like digestive system, although still trying to avoid it, by not consuming the entire
plant is eaten. Types do not like is Rengas (Gluta renghas), Oil Mangrove (Rhizopora
apiculata), Tingi (Ceriop decandra), Dungun (Heritiera litoralis), Palawan (Tristaniopis
merquensis), Terap (Artocarpus odoratissimus) and unidentified spesies. Rengas, black
mangrove and tingi disliked due to toxicity and high tanin. Black mangrove and tingi
abundant in the Feces but not in the category of preferred. This is a consequence of the use
food selection by comparing habitat with an abundance of food in abundance in the Feces,
regardless of the epidermis are present in abundance as long as Feces lower than the
abundance of vegetation in the habitat, food the results into a disliked. Dungun, palawan,
terap and unidentified species is in the stool because it is not eaten by the proboscis monkey
or due process of exfoliation of the epidermis in feces with nitric acid digestion method, less