Summary: | This study under the title "Evaluation of the Tourism Department Program
Related to Restaurant in Dili Timor Leste" aims to analyze the number of
purchasers and the level of income in middle-class restaurant in Dili Timor Leste
and also to analyze the work done by the Department of Tourism to promote the
opening of the restaurant business and increase its revenue. The results of this
study are expected to be useful for Department of Tourism in developing its work
program especially relating to restaurant in Dili. The data used are the primary
and secondary data through the distribution of questionnaire to the respondents to
be filled as well as data obtained from the archives, records and reports from the
Central Statistic Office of the Ministry of Finance, Department of Tourism and
the Office of Taxation. The issues in this study were analyzed by using
descriptive qualitative method.
The result of the study showed that there are 42 restaurants in Dili, 20 of
them are the target of this study indicate that the average net income of each
restaurant are amount to $125.00 per day and the standard deviation is $178.32.
While the average of the consumers who always come to the restaurant with their
family is about 3.11 and the standard deviation is 1.31. Further evaluation of the
Department of Tourism found that only two program activities implemented by
the Department of Tourism that is, supervision of cleanliness of the restaurant in
Dili achieve 65 percent and the restaurants data collection and issuing the licenses
for the opening of the restaurant program achieve 84 percent whereas a program
providing training to improved quality and food service for the waiters and
restaurant owner has not been implemented yet.