Summary: | This research was purposed to analyze the influences of railway lines
towards the values of a modest houses that surround a railway zone in the district
of Gondokusuman of Yogyakarta city. This study uses secondary data by the
number of sample observations that are 92 types of cross section. The analitycal
tool that used was a multiple linier regression. The dependent variable was the
value of house, whereas the independent variables were the wide area of field, the
wideness of house, the distance of a house to railways, the distance of a house to a
train station, the distance of a house to main streets, and the distance of a house to
a Central Business District (CBD).
The research results showed that the variables such as the distance of a
house to a train station, the distance of a house to a Central Business District
(CBD), the wide area of field and the wideness of house gave the significant
positive influences on the value of house, while the distance of a house to a train
station and the distance of a house to main streets gave the significant negative
influences on the value of house. This research results revealed that the distance
of a house to railways caused the rise of house prices. This is because the location
of houses around railway lines in the district of Gondokusuman of Yogyakarta
city is located in a specific site, that is located around the area of economic
activity supported by the new roads in the district of Gondokusuman which
connect its accessibility to a Central Business District (CBD) likes Ambarrukmo
Plaza. The area surrounds the district of Gondokusuman is also facilitated with a
closer accessibility to the downtown of Yogyakarta, to the territory of Sleman