Summary: | The research title "The resistance of Women in the Tempurung Novel by
Oka Rusmini" is based on the social inequivalence of women within family and
society. This resulted in the oppression of women experience the social
environment. Eventhough, the women can express their ideas and struggle against
the whole oppression or denial that they are experienced. The problems are what
cause women to resistance and how the types of resistances of women to survive
in local values.
This study uses the theory proposed by Cixous about the women's
resistances. It involves the woman's body and other things such as local values
and parents rules that are considered no relevant today and get damage toward
women because ofmen's authority. This case influences the status and women's
role and causes the gap between men and women. However, it does not mean that
the women keep silence within their positions but rather they must struggle to
express their ideas and and possess the rights to be heard by men totally.
The result of this study suggests us that the women may obtain their
authorities toward their bodies, sexualities and distinctive experiences in striking
against opposition and opression. The women may regain their rights of their
bodies and realizes their bodies as a whole, thus acquire good treatment and equal
opportunities as well as men. On opression, the women may encourage and
stimulate their awareness toward the importance of their bodies in fighting and
breaking of the conventional rules of society.