Summary: | This study aims to determine the implementation of supervision by the Major Agency of Drug
and Food Control (BBPOM) of Padang on the circulation of illegal cosmetics in the case of
AMD Aziz store and the implementation of function and role of the Major Agency of Drug and
Food Control (BBPOM) of Padang in protecting consumers against the circulation of illegal
drugs, food and beverage, cosmetics and herbal medicine as well as to analyze the obstacles and
the way to overcome them.
The research was carried out in empirically juridical method with an approach of uniformly
juridical legislation, namely code no. 8 of 1999 about consumer protection, the regulation of The
Minister of Health of Republic of Indonesia no. 1175/MENKES/PER/VIII/2010 on cosmetics
production permit and the decision of the Head of the Major Agency of Drug and Food Control
(BBPOM) of Padang no HK.00.4.1745 on cosmetics. The research was conducted in BBPOM
Padang by interviweing the Section Chief of BBPOM Padang Drs. Martin Suhendri, Apt.M.Farm
and the customers of AMD Aziz store.
The result of this study indicates that the implementation of supervision by BBPOM Padang on
the circulation of illegal cosmetics in the case of AMD Aziz store was conducted in order to
protect the consumers in the form of pre-market and post-market surveillance as well as the
implementation of function and role of BBPOM in quality control, safety and product usefulness.
The constraints faced by BBPOM were overcome by optimizing its role as food and drug
regulator in the West Sumatera.