Summary: | The purpose of this research is to know the base of a consideration of
granting credit with assurance of a decree removal of civil servants in PT. Bank
Pembangunan Daerah South Sumatra Bangka Belitung branch Pangkalpinang. The
purpose of else wanted obtained this research is to know the efforts taken by the bank
in terms of a debtor wanprestasi and roles of the notary in credit provision with
assurance of a decree removal of civil servants in PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah
South Sumatra Bangka Belitung branch Pangkalpinang.
This research is research law that is both juridical empirical, namely research
conducted to get data primary as a source of main databank. Research kepustakaan
also done to furnish data primary. The data collected from research analyzed
qualitative and served in a descriptive.
Based on the research, obtained the result : ( 1 ) base consideration PT. Bank
Pembangunan Daerah South Sumatra Bangka Belitung branch Pangkalpinang give
credit with assurance decree removal of civil servant because of salary received by
the listed his name in decree removal of civil servants. ( 2 ) an attempt rescue traveled
by PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah South Sumatra Bangka Belitung branch
Pangkalpinangin terms of debtor wanprestasi is performing reschedulling,
reconditioning, restructuring credit. ( 3 ) the role of notary in credit provision with
assurance decree removal of civil servants in PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah South
Sumatra Bangka Belitung branch Pangkalpinang, namely in execution legalisasi and
waarmerkingcalneh credit provision agreement made in the below the hands.