Summary: | Wound healing process in skin is a response of an injured body part. Tissue
oxigenation influences the wound healing. Acute bleeding 30% of total human
blood causes haemoglobin level reduction. A low level of haemoglobin can
decrease the wound oxigenation thus disrupts the wound healing. Recombinant
human erythropoietin is a hormone that induces the hematopoiesis. Furthermore,
this hormone can increase angiogenesis in wound healing.
The purpose of this research is to get an information about the influence of
recombinant human erythropoietin application to wound healing in skin after the
incision with acute bleeding by measuring the skin tensile strength.
Pure experimental research is done on 24 wistar rat, divided into 3 groups,
respectively 8 rat. First the bleeding level is made into 30% on 16 rat randomly
thus get a low haemoglobin level. Group A is undergone a bleeding then was
made an incision on their skin. Group B is undergone the bleeding then was made
an incision on skin then given a recombinant human eryhtropoietin injection 500
IU/kg for 7 days. Group C as countrol group which is not get the bleeding then is
having an incision on skin. All groups is taken care and given a standard food and
drink for 7 days. On the 7
day is having a euthanasia then the skin is taken and
sliced by its pattern. Tensile strenth test is being done on the skin. The data from
the skin tensile strength is being analized by Kruskall Wallis test and post hoc
Mann-Whietney test to see the difference between these groups.
The result of this research by using the Kruskall Wallis test shows a significant
difference with the skin tensile strength on Group A, B, and C (P>0,05). In post
hoc Mann-Whietney test there is a significant diffference between Group A and B,
Group A and C (P>0,05), meanwhile there is no significant difference between
Group B and C (P<0,05).
The conclusion is that the application of recombinant human erythropoietin can
increase rat skin tensile strength after an incision with acute bleeding.