Summary: | Background: Expression ALDH-1 is important to identification cells as cancer stem cells,
while expression EGFR-1 increase in colorectal carcinoma, however there is still
controversion result in correlation between the expression of ALDH-1 and EGFR-1 with
Aim: To investigate the correlation expression of ALDH-1 and EGFR-1 with
clinicopathological characteristic of colorectal carcinoma.
Method: Cross sectional retrospective study which 50 cases of colorectal carcinoma during
2009-2010 from Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta. Clinicopathological data consist of gender,
age, tumor location, and differenciated histological type were collected from Instalation of
Pathology Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta. Paraffin embedded tissue stained
immunohistochemically with monoclonal antibody against ALDH-1 and EGFR-1. The
correlation between ALDH-1 and EGFR-1 expression and each variable will be evaluated
using Pearson Chi-Square analysis, except the few sample using Fisher. The correlation
expression ALDH-1 and EGFR-1 with grading differenciated will be evaluated using
Kruskal Wallis and post hoc Mann Whitney.
Result : There are no significant correlation between ALDH-1 with age (p: 0,697), gender (p:
0,615), location of tumor (p: 0,525), and EGFR-1 (p: 0,279), but there is a significant
correlation with differentiation of histopathological grading (p: 0,021). There are no
correlation between ekspresion EGFR-1 with age (p: 0,074), gender (p: 1,0), location of
tumor (p:0,293), but there is a significant correlation with differentiation of histopathological
grading (p : 0,014 ).
Conclution : There are significant correlations between expression ALDH-1 and EGFR-1
with differentiation of histopathological grading indicate the role of stem cells in
development of differentiation of cancer cells in colorectal carcinoma.