Summary: | Mining and processing activities have caused pumice deposits of waste. Waste
from industrial processing of pumice is used as an innovation to increase the value of the
waste and then profits will be obtained. One of the examples is making them as
decorative stones.
Raw materials used in this study are industrial waste pumice from Lombok, with
the size less than 2 cm. The machine used as a fine aggregate pumice waste destruction is
a crusher. Variations of the composition of the mixed mortar are made from white
cement, powdered pumice waste as fine aggregate, and water. Variation is the comparison
between the composition of the mixture of white portland cement (pc) and fine aggregate
from pumice waste (Ag.h) with comparisons 1Pc: 2Ag.h, 1Pc: 4Ag.h, 1Pc: 6Ag.h, 1Pc:
8Ag.h and 1Pc: 10Ag.h. Tests are conducted to determine the characteristics of fine
aggregate made from pumice waste, while the mortar test includes compressive strength,
flexural strength, specific gravity and water absorption.
The results show that the fine aggregate made from pumice industrial waste
materials has the following characteristics : modulus of fine grains is 2.61, specific
gravity is 1.67, absorption of water is 23.08%, mud content is 26.10%, and weight lose
unit is 0.537 gr/cm3. On the mortar test, mixed variations affect the compressive strength,
flexural strength, specific gravity and water absorption. The test results find that the
variation of a mixture of 1 pc: 2 Ag.h has characteristics of natural stone that is the
closest to the gravity of 262 gr/cm and with 3,11 813 MPa in compressive strength, 0344
MPa in flexural strength, and 19.93% in water absorption value. Variation of a mixture of
1 pc: 2 Ag.h as also been tested in the manufacture of decorative stones and the results
can have the similar look with the natural stone.