Summary: | Identity is our most valuable commodity on the Internet or online transaction. It defines
who we are and is essential in domg business and carrying personal information over the
net. Unfortunately on the Internet, identity can be ambiguous. The online users can now
protect themselves with the use of Digital Certificate which is using a cryptographic
system. A cryptographic system that uses two keys- a public key is known to everyone
and private or secret key only known to the recipient of the message. An important
element to the public key system is that the public and private keys are related in such a
way that only the public key can be used to encrypt messages and only the
corresponding private key can be used to decrypt them. Moreover, it is virtually
impossible to deduce the private key if you know the public key. OCIS was developed to
request the certificate from CCM server and then inject the certificate into the smart
card. The smart card contains two certificate. Digital Signature certificate and Non
repudiation certificate and can be used to make a secured online transaction. There is a
need to understand the users' perspective and their acceptance of OCIS System.
Technology acceptance model (TAM) was used as a theoretical basis to understand
individual acceptance of users. In this study, five individual and system components are
used to explore individual user acceptance of an OCIS system. Antecedents such as
search function, screen design, navigation and system reliability have significant effects
on perceived ease-of-use and perceived usefulness which in turn have a significant effect
on individual user acceptance.