Summary: | Malaria parasites, Plasmodium can infect a wide range of hosts including humans and rodents. There are two copies of mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in Plasmodium, namely MAPK1 and MAPK2. The MAPKs have been studied extensively in the human Plasmodium, P. falciparum. However, the MAPKs from other Plasmodium species have
not been characterized and it is therefore the premise of presented study to characterize the MAPKs from other Plasmodium species-P. vivax, P. knowlesi, P. berghei, P. chabaudi and P.yoelli using a series of publicly available bioinformatic tools. In silico data indicates that all Plasmodium MAPKs are nuclear-localizedandcontain both a nuclear localization signal (NLS) anda Leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES). The activation motifs ofTDYand TSH werefound to befully conserved in Plasmodium MAPK1
and MAPK2, respectively.