Summary: | The widespread acceptance of Web Technology in our tertiary institutions
has brought about changes in the style, quantity and variety ofresources that
are made available to students. Fundamentally new learning environment is
provided f or students. On the other hand, there is still question about student
readiness in using the abundant resources made available to them on the
Web. This study examines students' readiness in using web-based resources.
Variables that were look ed into are demographic background, level of
technology usage, level of computer resour ces usage and their perspective on
technology. 294 qu estionnaires were distribut ed randomly to degr ee
engineering students (electrical, mechanical and civil). Based on students'
ability on using web-based resources, result obtainedfrom quantitative data
showe d there was a significant difference between student from different
semesters (F = 4.032, P = 0.000) and their accommodation (t =7.255 and p =
0.007). Results ofthe Pearson correlation analysis revealed that there was a
fair degree ofrelationship between students' ability and students' attitude on
web-based resources (r = 0.310, P = 0.000)