Summary: | Used Bookshop Portal (UBSP) is the online delivery of used book listing and
information service. UBSP has been set up to give users an easy way of putting their
used books back into circulation. This UBSP were there to put buyers and sellers of
used books can communicate with each other. This project aims to create a portal where
sellers and buyers can come together to buy and sell used books. The Used Book Portal
is an alternative approach that allowed user to list the used books that they can buy and
sell in others user within this portal. This project is using the behavior of common book
portal as an approach, which is allowed user to list, select and view the used book
information through online. A user interface for a Used Bookshop Portal was developed
using Macromedia Dreamweaver and the interfaces of the system were designed using
Adobe Photoshop, SwishMAX and Macromedia Flash MX. PHP: Hypertext
Preprocessor is being used as a programming language platform for designing and
developing this portal. MySQL is the database programs that been used in this system
and it was create for developing and support complete management database. A
growing number of web developers are choosing Macromedia Dreamweaver software so
quickly and efficiently build scalable, platform independent, web sites and web
applications. As the conclusion, a Used Bookshop Portal will take advantage of new
content and delivery technology to enable used bookshop portal provide book listing and
information service.