Summary: | Due to the growing popularity and complexity of the Web, designing a web Site is
becoming a complex and diflScult process that need to be supported by more powerful
Web engineering methods. Today, an ever-increasing number of businesses have set
up Web sites to publicize their products and services. However, careful planning and
preparation is needed to achieve the intended purpose of this new information
exchange channel. This project proposed a comprehensive framework for effective
agent application development based on tiie researches done in internet. The
framework regards Web application development based on Pro-Web as a special type
of software development. On the onset of this project, the tourist's wishes and
preferences are investigated. Next, Uterature review, methodology, design, analysis
and findings as the tourism industry in Perak Darul Ridzuan are examined. For Web
page design, both the fimctionality and usability of Web pages are thoroughly
considered. The knowledge in this system is represented using rules, while the
forward inference technique is used to make generalization of certain criterions. Based
on this project, a preliminary implementation of a prototype, the experience gained
from this work and future work are described and few conclusions are drawn.
Experience from the trial of the system shows that the Tourism System is a costeffective
technology in facilitating the development of tourism applications across the
internet. Although the system is successfully implemented, there still weaknesses and
other future works can enhance this system