Summary: | This paper presents the analysis on the factors that affect the career success among
employees in TNB Malacca. The research wants to identify the relationship between
job satisfactions, self-esteem and career adaptability with the career success where
focused the three elements that necessarily related and act as the independent
variables for this study. The three objectives are presented which is first, to identify
the relationship between job satisfaction and career success among employees, second
to study the effect of self-esteem and career success among the employees and the
third objectives are to determine the effect on the career adaptability and career
success among employees in TNB Malacca. For this purpose, 97 reliable respondents
from TNB Malacca were studied. The finding showed that only two variables have
significant relationship which is self-esteem and career adaptability. Thus, these two
variables consider as the factors that affect the career success among employees in
TNB Malacca. Meanwhile, one variable showed negative relationship is the job
satisfaction which considers not the factors that affecting career success among
employees. This study refers to primary data and also secondary data for supporting
the sampling technique. Meanwhile, the researcher use questionnaire as the method
to collect the data and information from sample respondents in accomplishing the
research objectives. The result of research was analyzed using multiple statistical
procedures which are reliability analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression
analysis. The results of study presented in this research agree that self-esteem and
career adaptability are the most factors that affecting career success. This study can
be seen as a foreword to a more detailed study to be carrying by future research on the
factors of career success among employees.