Summary: | Islam is growing in popularity around the globe, and also the public's awarene:ss of it is
increasing at such a rate that can expect to see dramatic growth in all halal sectors
(Hayati Hayatudin, 2005). Malaysia as the most developed Muslim country has raised
the Malaysian companies' growth rapidly in producing halal products in the face of
competitive trade envirormient that dominates the world economy. In order to dominate
the halal global hub it is important for the Malaysia government in making Malaysian
halal companies compete globally for competitive advantage. Information and
communication technology (ICT) has become the main substance in make those
companies compete globally. Adopting ICT in the business can perceived benefits
include increase a good quality of production, fast, profitability, productivity, reducing
cost and much more. Therefore, this study was conducted to measure the extent of
innovation diffusion and ICT adoption among JAKIM halal certified company in Klang
Valley. Particularly for this research, self-administered questionnaires had been given to
the companies in finding the primary data. The framework of IT Adoption Model which
proposed by Rosziati Ibrahim and Minoi (2002) and portion of Rogers' model of
innovation diffusion (1995) was used in this paper. Finding of the survey found that the
companies have a high degree of adoption in the variables of relative advantage,
compatibility, trialability, observability and complexity. A high degree of adoption in
complexity variable indicates that they have a difficult and hard to adopting ICT in their
business. Each of organizational parameters are independent on attitude toward
innovation, mean that there is no different perception on attitude toward innovation to be
associated to the organizational parameters.