Summary: | As we seen nowadays, many graduates will be working in a field that different from
what they have learned in university. This situation occurs because, they never has
planning for their future career. This paper presents the development and
implementation of fuzzy expert system for career match based on personality. The
system's main objective is to perform personality traits in assisting the user to select the
best match career. It is particularly usefiil for secondary students who intent to further
their study in university where it could be as their guidance to select the best program to
go for their best match career. There are six types of personality type such as realistic,
investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional and each group will provide
the career that suit with the personality type. The process of matching the personality
type with the career is performed through a fuzzy inference system. The system output is
a measure of personality type suitability for the certain job. This fiizzy expert system can
be used as a decision support tool for those who want to plan for their future career.