Summary: | This project focuses on performance evaluation and career development for academic
staffs in Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Shah Alam who can be promoted if fulfill
the term of promotion. The objectives of this project are 1) to computerize the manual
procedure of promotion to web based group decision support system; 2) to construct
rules based on the criteria of the staff performance to support the process of evaluation
and 3) to determine the staff that qualified to promotion with automatic analysis for
purpose candidate recommendation. This project is implementing using Web based
asynchronous group decision support system (GDSS) with rule-based system and multi
criteria decision making (MCDM) model in developing Electronic Performance
Evaluation and Career Development Supporting System. A Web based GDSS provide
decision tools and decision support information to its users. All individual evaluator
will be automatically aggregated as the group judgement that evaluate the annual
performance, competence level (PTK), and 7 general principles at different locations.
When all decision issues are resolved, the evaluation by decision makers will be
automatically synthesized to provide the final ranking for all candidates under
consideration. The rules had been constructing based on criteria of the staff promotion
to support the process of evaluation based on hierarchy model of multi criteria decision
making technique. The result indicates that the use of the system may help to guide
evaluators and able to minimize confusing in choosing the qualified staff for promotion.
Thus, this system will reduces the geographical barriers, operating cost and operating
time. Consequently, this system also may help improved delivery process of staff
information. It is recommended to upgrade the current system to be centralized
database through Internet and provide help decision making so that the project will
become wider and more useful.