Summary: | This research deals with electronic service quality (e-service quality) which is
considered as the critical factor that gives impact online retailing. There are several eservice
quality dimensions which are ease of use, linkage, appearance, structure and
layout, content and information, reliability, security, efficiency, communication, support
and incentives. Using a sample of total 120 respondents who have experienced and did
not have experienced on using online banking services, the research benchmarks the
customers' perception on eleven dimensions of internet service quality. Demographic
profiles have been displayed in pie chart and graph to see more precisely about
customers' profile. The customers' perceptions are then being compared with the
banking organizations' perception. The researcher then comes out with an electronic
banking model on e-service quality. Banking organization can use this model as a
guideline to focus on areas that can improve online banking service quality. Finding
suggests several areas that banking organization should target for improvement. The
areas include enhancing the capabilities of speed, being more sensitive with security
issues, give more attention on incentives, providing the ability to translate into multiple
languages, minimize the floating period for the utility payment and provide no
transaction fee when customers used online banking services and many more.