Summary: | Nowadays, finding a suitable hotel that base on the customer preferences is a very
difficult task especially for those who do not have enough time. Regularly, people find
the hotel by using search engine likes yahoo and goggle but the problem occur when they
display many result and the user must take a time to analyze each list of hotel that match
their hotel preference. At this point, the user is facing difficulties to get the best choices.
This report describes the research and development of the prototype system; called Hotel
Advisory System (HAS). So, HAS is develop with the purpose to help the user to provide
the list of the suitable hotel that match all of the characteristics that has been required by
them. Furthermore, if they agree with the result then the system will help them to make
online reservation directly. This system uses expert system as a metiiod in order to
produce the result. HAS is implemented on personal computers imder a Microsoft
Windows environment. The system design is developed using Macromedia Dream
weaver as the web application tools, Internet Information Services (IIS) as a web server
and Microsoft Access as the database. The system will perform their task by providing
only a list of hotel in Selangor or Kuala Lumpur area that match with all of the criteria
that has been select by the user. The result is very useftil to the user in order to help them
choose the best hotel to enjoy their holiday. The results of the prototype evaluation were
satisfactory and support the contention that HAS performs its fimctions as expected.